The market has posted a positive quarter. Autum 2011 was another volatile period marked buy a fixation on Europe and the seemingly unending problems of the inflexible Euro currency. For the Year 2011 markets in the US finished nearly even, but global investments have suffered. Massive flows of assets continued to pour into bonds. Interest rates are near all time lows.
Pervasive Negativity
Since the bottom of the market in March 2009, there has been persistent and growing fear of a return to crisis and chaos in the global banking system. Numerous measures of the US economy have shown significant improvement – Unemployment and industrial production have begun to improve and inflation has remained tame. These positive numbers have done little to curb the ongoing sentiment of negativity.
This group psychology reminds me of the 1990’s market environment; in the reverse. In the 90’s, few were focused on risk or dark visions of the future for investors. Many were interested in stock tips and stories of riches that were apparently attainable to anyone willing to make an effort to invest.
As the stock market convulsed after August of 2000, real estate took center stage as Americans were convinced that home ownership could be an ever growing source of wealth. These times of extreme optimism now look distant and irrational. Most investors seem to feel that those days are over and safety of principal should be the focus of portfolio strategy.
Universal sentiment of the investing public creates many “crowded trades”. This has driven money to gold, bank deposits and US government securities. Running with this herd will likely cause great pain for many. The more negative the “common wisdom” becomes, it shall likely be proved wrong.
The group psychology of fear is very powerful. Near zero interest rates are buffering many from simply exiting all market based instruments until that Holy Grail of a time when “Things Look Better”.
When things do begin to look better, the markets will have already rebounded. The surprises that will occur in this environment are like to be of the positive variety – due to the fact that anyone can see how bad it is. It reminds me of a saying of my Father, “it is what it is, until it isn’t”.
Where will the surprises come from? Here are a few possibilities: